“Soon I’ll have my own cock.” -- The Moonlight Falcon

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haha, is that yet another D&O typo? Or legit?

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I know you write a fuckload of words so don’t have encyclopedic memory of every line, but it’s a line of dialogue from the tranny MS13 chick on The Moonlight Falcon. Laughed out loud reading it. Not a typo, just pure gold storytelling.

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Thank you good sir (Vin wipes away the beading sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand) ...Right back atcha by the way. Some good shit you're writing these days...

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Dude that means so much to me to hear that as a newbie writer from an established real deal author who I look up to.

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keep it up brother!

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I identify as TRANSparent, Fish! Plus I said who wants to be my "boyfriend." D'oh. Now the whole world is confused. Or a select few in Albany anyway...lol

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